Saturday, March 17, 2012

In which I post about not posting...

I think I need to start a series of blog posts along the lines of 'The Mouse's Various Excuses for not Blogging Regularly, and Instead Letting Drafts Pile Up, Memory Cards Max Out, and Ideas Form and then Dissipate.'

These blog posts would appear every couple of weeks, usually after a long silence on The Mouse Files.  In them I would probably begin by complaining that I am very tired, and that I've had assignments due, and then I would appease my conscience by posting some random pictures and then frantically begin eight new posts for the future (I have a lot of posts sitting in Drafts, let me tell you).

But there are always two reasons behind an absence of blog posts on the Files:

1.  I've been writing so much for assignments and personal enjoyment, that I just didn't need to vent on Blogger.

2.  I've been busy living a life away from the screen. {whoohoo}

This post would not be complete without a random picture to appease my conscience.

{Here is a little gem from 2007 which I found on our old PC.  This picture will probably mean nothing to you...unless you are inspired by the the scene of two teenage girlies setting off on a trail ride across the bushy Victorian hills.}

Excuse my back facing the camera.

This photo is significant because a) those bushy Victorian hills are currently black and spindly thanks to bushfires, and b) this was one of the last times I've been on a horse in the past years.  {boohoo}

We had fun.  I need to get me onto a horse again pronto.

So, after that blast from the past, I'm going to sign out feeling much better about not updating the Files more regularly, and I'm going to go work on more of those drafts.

I love blogging.


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